
Average score 468 Reviews
denis caro noted on Google

7 months ago
Pierre-alexandre OHLMANN noted on Google

7 months ago
Christophe Dardaine noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect, the whole order is served hot, very good service, an order placed in front of the store and service done in 15 minutes max, I highly recommend it 👍👍 (Original) Parfait, toute la commande est servie chaude, très bon service, une commande passée devant le magasin et un service fait en 15 minutes max, je le recommande fortement 👍👍

7 months ago
Mélanie Rzb noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Wide choice of Asian and more European dishes for more complicated people. The servers are friendly and they are also anti-waste using a famous app, I recommend (Original) Large choix de mets asiatiques et plus européens pour les personnes plus compliquées. Les serveurs sont sympathiques et de plus ils se mettent à l'anti gaspi à l'aide d'une célèbre appli, je recommande

7 months ago
Rousseau jean michel noted on Google

7 months ago
pascal lindeperg noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Superb places to have a good time with family or friends, lots of gastronomic choices and desserts can be expensive, I highly recommend it.. (Original) Superbe lieux pour passer un bon moment en famille où entre amis beaucoup de choix gastronomique et en dessert peut coûteux je le recommande vivement..

7 months ago
Hervé Michel noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The quality and choice is present. The only downsides are the noise and the buffets are the same every day. Now when I go I know what I'm going to get. So satisfied (Original) La qualité et le choix est présent. Seuls bémols le bruit et les buffets sont les mêmes tous les jours. Maintenant quand j'y vais je sais ce que je vais prendre. Donc satisfait

7 months ago
Ophélie Barthelet noted on Google

7 months ago
Mag Mag noted on Google

7 months ago
Quentin Deschamps noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good dishes offered. Wide variety for the buffet which will delight all guests. (Original) Bon plats proposés. Large diversité pour le buffet qui ravira tous les convives.

7 months ago

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